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  • Product Settings
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Product Settings

You can change the following settings of Log360 from this tab.

Connection Type

  1. Choose your connection type. You can choose to use either http or https.
  2. Specify the port number of your choice after choosing they type of connection.
    • Default ports - HTTP : 8095, HTTPS : 8458.
  3. To enable LDAP SSL, mark the check-box against the Enable LDAP SSL field.
  4. Click Save to store the configured settings.


  1. Be alerted when the available disk space falls below a pre-defined level (1 GB, 2 GB or 5 GB), by selecting the appropriate value from the drop-down box.
  2. Select the Session Expiry Time, which is the time for which a user session would last, from the drop-down box.
  3. Select the level of logs that is to be collected by the product. The default working mode for Log360 is Normal with minimal set of debugging information. Select Debug to collect detailed log reports.
  4. Enable or disable collection of anonymous usage statistics gathering to be sent to us.
  5. Click Save to store the configured settings.

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